Barrie grew up in Northeastern Montana as a third generation Montanan. Being in a family of eleven children, her dad was an avid gardener and had a garden full of fresh vegetables. Barrie was no stranger to eating fresh salads daily. Barrie started making all natural salad dressings in 1997 in her first business because she didn't like the taste of the wholesale options and not being able to pronounce and identify all the ingredients scared her. She wanted to bring that simple, childhood homemade taste to her customers. Barrie had years to develop her recipes and when people started coming into her restaurant just to buy mason jars full of salad dressings, she knew she had something special. Barrie decided to bring her all natural salad dressings to you with her daughter Sydney, the company namesake.
Together they hope to bring you simple, homemade delicious products that you will enjoy!